Article I- General
Sec. 3.101 Domestic animals and fowl at large.
Sec. 3.102 Hogs, cows, chickens, and stables.
Sec. 3.103 Rabies inoculation required for dogs.
Sec. 3.104 Ferocious or vicious dogs.
Sec. 3.105 Bitches in heat.
Sec. 3.106 Power of police.
Article I - General
Sec. 3.101 Domestic animals and fowl at large
It shall he unlawful for any person to allow any domestic animal or fowl to run at large on the streets or in public places of the town.
Sec. 3.102 Hogs, cows, chickens, and stables.
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep hogs, pigs, cows or chickens within 250 feet of any residence within the town of Quinby. No horses, cows, or stock stables and chicken houses or barns shall be kept within 500 feet of any residence in town and all stables, houses and barns shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and the manure not allowed to accumulate and shall be subject to regulations prescribed by the health officer.
Sec. 3.103 Rabies inoculation required for dogs.
It shall be unlawful for any person to own or have in possession any dog which has not been inoculated against rabies within the proceeding twelve months by a licensed veterinarian.
Sec. 3.104 Ferocious or vicious dogs.
It shall be unlawful for any person to allow any ferocious or vicious dog to run at large on any of the streets of the town unless such dog is properly muzzled.
Sec. 3.105 Bitches in heat.
It shall be the duty of the owner, or any person having the control of any bitch to securely confine her and keep her concealed from view while she is in heat.
Sec. 3.106 Powers of police.
Any policeman of the town shall have power within his discretion to take up and confine or destroy any dog which may be rabid, or in violation of above sections.